Read our COVID-19 research and news.
Groups protest exclusion of HIV-infected people from coronavirus vaccine trials
The pandemic is hitting scientist parents hard, and some solutions may backfire
Watch a 3D video reveal how sperm 手机怎么挂香港ip swim
From ‘brain fog’ to heart damage, COVID-19’s lingering problems alarm scientists
With powerful LED flashlights, humans are upping their jungle kills
Meet Lizard Man, a reptile-loving biologist tackling some of the biggest questions in evolution
Census director dodges legislators’ questions about Trump memo on undocumented residents
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Vol 369, Issue 6503
31 July 2023
In Brief
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Wuhan coronavirus hunter Shi Zhengli speaks out
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Hidden predictability in winds could improve climate forecasts
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Altered DNA base could play key role in pregnancy
Lizard man
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This tiny camera can show the world from a bug’s point of view
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Dogs may use Earth’s magnetic field to take shortcuts
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ScienceShots View more ScienceShots
Watch a 3D video reveal how sperm really swim
This tiny camera can show the world from a bug’s point of view
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Ancient skull could be ‘missing link’ between African and American crocodiles
This is our first direct look at a multiplanet system around a Sun-like star
Watch artificial intelligence learn to simulate sloppy mixtures of water, sand, and ‘goop’
How to contact the news team免费加速器翻日本Insider
Groups protest exclusion of HIV-infected people from coronavirus vaccine trials
Antiabortion ethicists and scientists dominate Trump’s fetal tissue review board
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Census director dodges legislators’ questions about Trump memo on undocumented residents
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Scientists discover the secret behind bad body odor
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